February 21, 2002
Carla D. Fuller, Esq.
Attorney at Law
P. O. Box 1664
Searcy, Arkansas 72145
RE: Advisory Opinion # 2002-02
Dear Ms. Fuller:
You stated in your request for an Advisory Opinion dated January 15, 2002 that you were an announced candidate for Circuit Judge. You stated that "Pursuant to Act 1789" of an undisclosed year [which we interpret to be Arkansas Code Annotated 7-10-103(c)-Alternative Ballot Access] you would achieve having your name placed on the ballot by petition of registered voters. You asked, "whether it would violate Canon 5 of the Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct for me to personally solicit signatures for this petition."
Canon 5C2 states: "(2) A candidate shall not personally solicit or accept campaign contributions or personally solicit publicly stated support. Your asking persons on an individual basis and not as a group such as an social gathering, assembly, club or any other organization, whether organized formally or otherwise, to sign your petition does not constitute soliciting publicly stated support. The key is approaching people on an individual basis to ask them to sign the petition.
Reference to our Advisory Opinion No. 95-04 might be helpful to you.
Very truly yours,
Edwin Alderson
For the Committee