Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission

Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee

The Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee was established on July 1, 1991. 

The Committee, created by the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission, issues advisory opinions to judges and publicly declared candidates for judicial office as to how a future course of conduct comports with the Code of Judicial Conduct.



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The procedural rules for the Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee are at Appendix F. Requests for an advisory opinion may be sent the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission at 323 Center Street, Suite 1060, Tower Building, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. The requests may relate only to prospective conduct and should contain a statement of the facts pertaining to the intended conduct and the results of personal research on the issues. The opinions are advisory only and are not binding on the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission or the Supreme Court. However, where a judge follows the written advisory opinion, that is evidence of good faith compliance with the Code of Judicial Conduct. Copies of opinions are published in professional journals and made available to the general public.